(E) Grounding and Earthing on Earth - Trilogy

Gepost door Oudewijn op 08-06-2020 | Link

Do you not feel at home on this earth ?
In other words, can’t you “earth” here ?
Do you not feel like living this earthly life?
Do you not see the meaning of it either ?
Thus life becomes a chore and
it turns into survival.

First item on the to-do list:
fully accept your earthly incarnation
and being human: that is a good start
to getting a taste for life and
to give meaning to your life.


In the process of accepting
my incarnation, I first
learned how to ground myself,
and only after that
I learned how to earth and
how to enjoy life as a human being.


A plant is not viable
without roots and a good
anchoring in the ground. (grounding)

Without the necessary rain and sun,
which the plant may enjoy
here on earth, however, the plant
doesn’t come to its full development,
to blossom and to its unique beauty.
(earthing on earth = earthing)

The plant doesn’t have to do anything
for this, he can just be there, surrender
and enjoy the earth and the sun and
trust that everything will be alright.

Why would it be different for humans?


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